
IMG_6876This is what immigrants look like when they get together. Oh those terrorist, disrupting the peaceful numbness of the european paradise with their noise and their laugher and with the smell of the crazy food they make…

I remember the day I entered Jun and Mitchy´s house. For a couple of weeks I had been politely observing the crazy shit that people in the Netherlands believe to be «civilized» behavior. I mean, even young people are so… boring, like they don´t have a position on anything. Everything must be objectively measured in order to have a properly centered opinion. Even relating to others must be properly measured through long sessions of boredom, until you decide you and others are boring enough to hang out every month or so. Then, the door to this family´s house opened, and they were having dinner (we were late, which I though would be a huge deal). People in the room asked us to sit and to have some food and started talking as if we already knew each other. It was so familiar it felt almost rude. Damn, these guys could have perfectly been auntie Mitchy and uncle Jun, and it was just so right (and the food was so good!). So we kept seeing each other often and they introduced us to a lot of their friends (mostly immigrants). Activists, artists, musicians who had come to the Netherlands from Iran, Iraq, Chile, Philippines, Brazil, etc. Just getting together to have fun, jam a little, tell stories and making plans felt like a way of resisting this crazy culture of inhuman relationships.

This is what those leftist terrorists look like when they get together. They build bombs of fraternity and sorority. This is what they´re so afraid of, people who can see beyond nationalist ideals and become a family no mattering where in the world they are.







3 respuestas a «Aliens»

  1. La persona que escribio esto , estoy muy seguro que nunca a viajado fuera de su pais, a pesar que escribe bien ,creo que es muy imgnorante ,conocer otra persona de otra cultura se enriquese uno como ser humano

  2. Hola. El texto habla acerca de la sensación de comunidad que existe entre los inmigrantes de las zonas menos favorecidas en contraste con la frialdad e individualismo con que se manejan las cosas en países como (en este caso) Holanda. Si he viajado fuera de mi país, y he conocido todo tipo de gente interesante de muchas otras culturas y de hecho este texto habla justamente acerca de alguna de esa gente. Personalmente me desagrada mucho el nivel de deshumanización al que se llega muchas veces en los países llamados «desarrollados» donde las estructuras del capitalismo crean barreras enormes entre las personas, generando un culto a lo individual por sobre lo comunitario. Desde luego, también existen personas en estas mismas sociedades que están en contra de estas estructuras y he tenido la suerte de conocer a varias. Este blog es mío y escribo lo que quiero de acuerdo al animo que ande y quien quiera leerlo puede hacerlo y opinar lo que quiera, pero no acepto que me llame ignorante una persona que escribe «nunca (h) a viajado» e «i-m-gnorante». Tenga un buen día.

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